Sunday 2 April 2017

Reach for the Stars

Sue Tiong speaking to over a thousand people in Johannesburg, SA on 28th Feb 2017 #TycoonsofWealth
It has been a whirlwind first quarter of the year, 2017 has been busy with travel to many countries and it seems that way until mid year. I am not complaining and each moment with my little ones and loved ones are even more valuable. I cherish these precious little moments.

I have learned to shift my focus on myself to my audience, my clients, the people I deal with. The moment I focus NOT on me but on them, the fear came to naught. It is as if with a decision to focus differently, the fear dissipated.

"It is never about you. It is always about others. Show that you care and they will soon care about you too."
I have learned more self love and the learning curve has been pretty steep in the first quarter of 2017. Thank you for the realisation that finally hit that I have not been taking good care of myself. No excuses. The next remaining years of my life shall hopefully be extended by the steps that I am taking right now to love myself better. Fill up your own cup first before you go on with life. We can run on empty for only that long. Self Love is Loving the World.

I have also learned not to beat myself up if I make a blunder because to err is human. I have also learned to release my guilt or self-imposed guilt. I have released many programmings and boy the worries are mostly guilt-motivated and life has been lighter than ever. Here's to a guilt-free life from now onwards.

I have learned to hope. They say fools dream but I still hope dreams come true. They are slowly proving to be true. Never in my dream I thought I would be doing all that I am doing right now.
I never dared to hope to be a mother as my chances were so slim before this but now I am a mother to two beautiful children. I never imagined myself stepping foot to African continent but I have walked on African soil not once but twice in a span of two months! I never thought anyone would care to listen to me but now I have a steady following since I spoke in front of more than a thousand people at Tycoons of Wealth on Feb 28, 2017. We can hope, but taking action is what makes dreams come true.

I took action with calculated risk and a clear plan. Have you made your plan and have you taken action already?

To connect with Sue: email or check out

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